On July 4th, 2008, I, along with a brave group of fellow students, hereafter known as Cohort 9, embarked on our mission: to achieve doctoral status in the realm of educational leadership.
This is the story of my particular experience in the pursuit of
“The Prize” (I have kept my eye on it, Dr. Dunlop).
As with anything worthwhile, it is always better shared. My thanks to my wonderful professors, Dr. Jonathan Hughes, Dr. Frank Smith, and Dr. Korynne Taylor- Dunlop, who stretched and reshaped my thinking and understanding.
Many thanks to Cohort 9 : You kept me going and inspired me. The walks and talks around St. John’s were a bonus.
Cohort 9 Members
Chelsea Brown Izzet Mergen
Alesia Holewinski Charlie Regan
Donna Jones Christian Soto
Gary Lamm Brett Truitt
Please follow the links above for a full investigation of my Doctoral pursuit.